
Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences (ViA) has launched the 2nd call for Post-Doctoral Research Applications

Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences (ViA) has launched the 2nd call for Post-Doctoral Research Applications within the Activity «Post-doctoral Research Aid» of the Specific Aid Objective 1.1.1 «To increase the research and innovative capacity of scientific institutions of Latvia and the ability to attract external financing, investing in human resources and infrastructure» of the Operational Program «Growth and Employment».

The aim is to attract post-doctoral researchers that would contribute to development of excellent research at ViA in accordance with the strategic goals of the university. The Post-Doctoral Research Aid provides an opportunity for young researchers to develop their skills and increase their scientific capacity as well as start a career in a scientific institution.

The successive applicants will be invited to join a networking seminar at ViA during November 21st – December 1st, all expenses covered by ViA, to work at the final version of the project application.

Eligibility criteria:
A PhD acquired after December 15th 2012;
A research project proposal contributing to achievement of the Smart Specialization Strategy of Latvia and complying with the research direction of ViA Digital solutions for solving social challenges, and one of its subdirections:
•       Smart technologies and eco-buildings in the national economy
•       Virtual reality technologies and visualization
•       E-learning technologies and management
•       Socio-technical systems modelling technologies
•       Sustainable national economy and knowledge society
•       Communication ecosystem and technologies

Type of research: basic/fundamental research or industrial/applied research

Maximum funding: 133 806 EUR per project with a maximum salary of 2731 EUR per month (including taxes) and maximum unit costs of 800 EUR per month

Maximum duration: 36 months

Application deadline: October 16th 2017

The selection of Post-Doctoral Research Applications at ViA is the first stage of preparation of the Post-Doctoral Applications for submission to the State Education Development Agency of the Republic of Latvia.

Preselection documentation:
Europass CV,
List of publications,
Copies of 5 publications,
Research project proposal.

More information about the Open Call at ViA:

Follow the information about the Post-Doctoral Research Aid Program:

Contact information:
Ieva Gintere
Scientific project manager
Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences
Cesu iela 4, Valmiera, LV 4201

Kualifikimi i stafit akademik të USH

Profesorë 10%
Profesorë i asociuar 22%
Me gradë Dr. dhe/ose me titull docent 39%
Me gradë Asistent lektor 29%


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