
University of Parma - TRAINICOMING Call for Applicants for a traineeship period at the University of Parma

Apply for one of the 30 traineeship opportunities offered by the University of
Parma (Italy) to students from international partner institutions
Academic Years 2014/2015 and 2015/2016

The University of Parma is promoting the TRAININCOMING Project, open to students enrolled at one of the Universities having a running international agreement with the University of Parma, and who wish to experience a traineeship in Parma for a minimum period of two months.

The TRAININCOMING Project offers 30 trainees the opportunity to gain invaluable work experience in an international and challenging environment and to put into practice the knowledge acquired during their studies. Furthermore, TRAININCOMING participants will be involved in a specific educational programme which will allow them to acquire the basics of EU Strategies and Policies, European Labour Law, Workplace Safety, Italian Language and Culture. The language used during the programme will be English.

The TRAINICOMING Programme is open to any higher education student (Bachelor- or Master level) interested in acquiring a productive training experience within University premises (labs, administration structures, museums, libraries, academic spin-offs, etc.) or one of the relevant companies/ enterprises/ institutions that have a formal agreement with the University of Parma.

The traineeship period may take place during the study-period or immediately after graduation but, in this case, it will have to be completed within 12 months after the completion of the degree course.

The University of Parma will award selected students an overall grant amounting to 2,000.00 € (gross) for a maximum period of three months. Selected students may also choose to stay for a period of two months. In this case, the grant will be reduced accordingly. In agreement with the hosting department or structure, students may choose to extend their traineeship period without any additional financial support from the University.

Selected students will be enrolled at the University of Parma and get a matriculation number. They will be allowed to attend courses and take exams, provided this is compatible with the planned internship activity. At the end of the mobility period, students' attendance will be certified in a


Transcript of Records, which will include the list of exams (if taken) results and crédits awarded (ECTS) as well as any research activity performed.

Students will be granted free access to the University of Parma facilities. They will benefit from several services such as: a canteen at reduced fees provided by the Regional Agency for the Right of Study (ER.GO); discounts on local public transport; free medical assistance; access to guidance and counselling service; discounts on music and theatre tickets and sports activities.

A first welcome reception service and a programme of leisure activities will be offered by the Parma Erasmus Student Network association (ESN-ASSI).

Conditions of participation

Students wishing to participate in the traineeship programme at the University of Parma must:

  • Be registered at one of the partner higher education institutions that have a running agreement with the University of Parma. The Country of the partner institution must not be eligible to participate in the European Erasmus Plus Programme. Therefore, eligible students for receiving grants will be non-EU citizens. Students coming from the EU or from Erasmus Plus eligible Countries may participate in this action but they will not receive any financial support. An Erasmus Plus grant may be provided by their home institution;
  • Be regularly enrolled at their home university (either for a Bachelor or Masters Degree);
  • Be currently enrolled at their home university or have recently graduated at the moment of applying for this Call (Please note that traineeships in Parma will have to be completed within 12 months from the completion of the student's degree course);
  • Have a sufficient knowledge of Italian or English language (at least B1 with reference to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages). As detailed in the "Sélection Criteria" section, the knowledge of the Italian language as well as other foreign languages will be considered an asset.

The University of Parma will not accept spontaneous or independent application forms. Only application forms sent through the student's home university to the University of Parma will be considered.

The deadline for the submission of application forms is 24th July 2015. Therefore, the student's home institution will have one week time (no later than 31st July 2015) to send the application package by this date to the University of Parma. Each home institution may apply earlier deadlines for the internal collection of applications, for organisational reasons. All applicants are invited to refer to their International Relations Office.

The application form, available for download at must be duly completed and signed in original. All the annexes requested in the application form must be provided jointly with the application form. Incomplete applications will be not evaluated.


Further information found in the attachment below:


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Profesorë i asociuar 22%
Me gradë Dr. dhe/ose me titull docent 39%
Me gradë Asistent lektor 29%


11988 studentët me kohë të plotë.
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12 Sudentë në Ciklin e III (Doktoratura).