
Scholarships for students and staff training at University of Varna, Bulgaria.

This summer the University of Varna, Bulgaria will hold a Summer Semester targeted at VUM full-time students as well as at incoming Erasmus+ students from VUM partner universities around the world.


There are invited students of Shkodra University on the undergraduate levels (2nd or 3rd year students) to join the Summer Semester wich will take place between 1st June and 3rd September 2016. Students of Shkodra University (three strudents) are most welcome to study at VUM in the framework of ongoing Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility project. University of Varna has registered Erasmus+ students from more than 15 countries around the world including Russia, Kazakhstan, Vietnam, Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus, Lebanon, Jordan, Georgia, Armenia etc. The visiting professors of this University are from the USA, France, India, Kazakhstan etc.


During VUM Summer Semester this will offer various courses targeted at undergraduate students in the fields of Business, Management and Administration. All courses will be delivered exclusively in English. In the following document you could find a full list of courses to be taught during VUM Summer Semester along with the relevant periods of teaching as well as the minimum number of ECTS to be obtained. Please, note the students will be awarded additional 1- 1.5 ECTS for each of the listed courses, provided they prepare and submit an additional course work or assignment.


List of courses


In line with the Erasmus+ Charter, for all Erasmus+ students education during VUM Summer Semester will be of course completely free of charge.


Costs for accommodation during the Summer School amount to 6 EUR/night in a double room in our new and modernly equipped student house in VUM campus in Dobrich.

Required documents for the application:

·           Curriculum vitae

·           Transcript of records

·           Letter of intent (what is your motivation and your focus to study in Vechta?)

·           List of courses you wish to take

·           Students of Economics should provide an International Certificate of English Language

·           The application has to be handed in English.

All documents have to be sent in electronically as one pdf-file at by 24 April 2016.


The University of Varna, Bulgaria also offeres one scholarship for the staff training from the University of Shkodra

1) Period

The staff training will have a total duration of 1 week and will take place the week commencing 20th June (19th June: day or arrival; 25th June: day of departure).


2) Staff training themes

During the respective period VUM will hold 2 staff trainings dedicated to the following themes:

- Human Resource Management in Academia

- Internationalisation of Curricula and Quality Assurance in Double Degree Programmes.

In the framework of the latter, VUM academics and practitioners will share our experience in the long-term history of collaboration between VUM and Cardiff Metropolitan University (UK).

Staff members to be selected for participation will be invited and offered the opportunity to engage in both trainings. Upon successful completion of the training(s), the trainee will be awarded a certificate. The staff mobility shall be recognized as part of the staff member's Personal Development Plan.


3) Funding

Based on the funding approved by the Bulgarian National Agency for 2015/2016, VUM will be able to host and fund 1 staff mobility from University of Shkodra.

The staff member from University of Shkodra to be selected for participation will receive the following funding:

- Individual support: 7 days x 140 EUR = 980 EUR (individual support is provided for 5 consecutive days spent at VUM + 2 days for travel)

- Travel costs support calculated based on the EU distance calculator applicable for your country: 275 EUR

Total: 1255 EUR.


4) Selection

Eligible applicants shall be full-time employees of your university. They shall submit to me the following documents: (1) CV, (2) short motivation letter and (3) evidence that he/she speaks English well enough to fully engage in the staff trainings. Deadline for emailing me the application documents set is 25th April 2016. We will invite all applicants for a skype interview.

Selection results will be published on 9th May at the latest.



Kualifikimi i stafit akademik të USH

Profesorë 10%
Profesorë i asociuar 22%
Me gradë Dr. dhe/ose me titull docent 39%
Me gradë Asistent lektor 29%


11988 studentët me kohë të plotë.
2153 studentët me kohë të pjesshme
1885 studentët në cikël të dytë
12 Sudentë në Ciklin e III (Doktoratura).