
Scholarships offered by University of Rome “Foro Italico” in Physical Education

As part of the EU-Programme ERASMUS+ Mobility with Partner Countries, the University of Rome “Foro Italico”,  in collaboration with the University of Shkodra “Luigj Gurakuqi” offers 2 scholarships  in the field of Sports and Movement Sciences in Bachelor level (in Italian language)  and 1 in Master level in the field of Health and Physical Activity (in English language) Student’s mobility should be planned for the first semester 2016-2017 (from mid of October 2016 to end of January 2017), but there will be other availability for scholarships.

These scholarships are offered in the framework of program titled: International credit mobility financed by EU. This program enables to students of Shkodra University to go to University of Rome “Foro Italico”and vice versa. After the mobility phase, the students return to their sending institution to complete their studies.
Further information is available on the university webpage:

The students  from University of Shkodra to be selected for participation will receive the following funding:

-Travel costs support calculated based on the EU distance for country: 275 euro

-Individual support per month paid by the University of Rome “Foro Italico”: 850 euro

- Students can attend only subjects offered by the following courses available in the excel file: L22 (Bachelor), LM47 (Master), LM67 (Master), LM67INT (Master), LM68 (Master). Students can attend subjects of the bachelor and the master degrees, although several professors of master subjects prefer having Erasmus students with the bachelor degree achieved;
- “Semestral students" cannot attend “annual subjects”, neither part of them.
- “No mark” means that for those subjects you will not receive any mark, but only “Pass” or “not Pass”.
- "AFS” means “Attività Formativa a Scelta”, AFS are optional subjects. Students can only attend 1 optional subject per semester (these subjects will give you 4 credits and not grades).

 Only 1 language course can be inserted for each semester.

 A student can only choose 1 internship/Tirocinio. A B1 Italian language level has required.

An Italian course will be offered during the first semester. During the Welcome Meeting will be given information about the timetable. The "Italian Course" can not be inserted in the Learning Agreement. At the end of the course, a separate certificate will be given to the student with the number of hours and the mark achieved (credits will be not acquired)

Required documents for the application:
• Curriculum vitae
• Transcript of records
 List of courses you wish to take

What offers the ERASMUS+ Programme in addition?

Erasmus in Campus is a non-party, non-denominational and non-profit association. The main aim of the association is to support Erasmus students to enhance the quality of their overall student experience. They offer many activities and facilitations like Erasmus Discounts Card, Free Guided Tours, Trips, Conferences, Tandem Programme, Welcome Week and much more.

 Foro Italico University offers to all the students a free housing service. It will listen to your demands and it will give you a complete support until the rental agreement. You can register in and contact
Applications Deadlines: 31 August 

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