
Fakulteti Ekonomik - Internship Programme of German Business 2017 for the countries of Western Balkans

The Programme was established in 2003, after the assassination of Serbia´s first democratically elected Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic. The Committee on Eastern Economic Relations initiated the development of the Internship Programme of German Business for the Countries of the Western Balkans in close cooperation with the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

The goal of the Programme is to preserve the legacy of Prime Minister Djindjic and to bring the region, Serbia and its people closer to the European Union. Following three successful years in Serbia, the Internship Programme was extended to encompass all the countries of the Western Balkans in 2007 and 2009. In total 7 countries participate in the Internship Programme: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Kosovo and Serbia.

Who can apply?

The call for application for internships in 2017 will be open from 1.10. – 11.11.2016, 2:00pm!

Undergraduate students of higher semesters (when applying enrolled at least in the 5th semester), postgraduates (MA or PhD students) and young graduates without or with first job experience are eligible to apply.

Their field of studies should have a focus either on economics, business administration, the various fields of engineering, journalism or agriculture.

The applicants should generally not be older than 30 years.

A very good command of English is required. German is an asset.

The internships start on 1st of July and last between 3 and 6 months.

Applicants from Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia who study or have completed their studies in one of these countries are eligible to apply. Not eligible to apply are candidates who are enrolled as regular students at universities outside these countries and those who have already completed BA or MA studies outside the region.

The application procedure

The application procedure consist of:

  • a written online application in English or German (October – November)
  • an interview in the capital of the respective home country (December – February)
  • and the selection of the proposed candidate by the company (February – April)

Candidates apply for internships in their respective fields of study, not for specific positions or companies. The Programme will forward the profiles of shortlisted candidates to the companies. Candidates should not contact companies in advance.

Most of the companies base their decision on the written application and the recommendation of the selection committee. However, some companies also conduct short telephone interviews with the proposed candidates themselves.


More information found in the attachment below:

Kualifikimi i stafit akademik të USH

Profesorë 10%
Profesorë i asociuar 22%
Me gradë Dr. dhe/ose me titull docent 39%
Me gradë Asistent lektor 29%


11988 studentët me kohë të plotë.
2153 studentët me kohë të pjesshme
1885 studentët në cikël të dytë
12 Sudentë në Ciklin e III (Doktoratura).