

Spiru Haret University, Bucharest, Romania and  Hitit University, Çorum Turkey organize the 3rd edition of ICESBA Conference.  This year ICESBA Conference is hosting, as a special session, the  6th CCEDEP Conference – in partnership with the Alliance of Central-Eastern European Universities (   under the subtopic : 

Rethinking Global Economy

Last year brought the world’s attention more than ever to the imperative issue of sustainable development. The UN Sustainable Development Summit offered countries the opportunity to set up a set of goals to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all as part of a new sustainable development agenda.  A clear conclusion emerged:

everyone needs to do their part: governments, the private sector, civil society and people like you.  It is time to join efforts to transform our world and to rethink the global economy in a sustainable way. Countries are determined to take the bold and transformative steps which are urgently needed to shift the world onto a sustainable and resilient path.

Globalization as a phenomenon implies an interconnected world across environments, societies and economies. Globalization is a fact of life even more so due to its dynamic and multifaceted nature. Multiplicity, diversity, interdependence, and flows of influence are common themes associated with globalization. From an environmental perspective, globalization produces both negative and positive pressures on governance. Economic globalization tremendously impacts environmental processes at the local, regional, national and global level. By integrating far-flung markets, globalization may intensify the use and depletion of natural resources, increase waste production, and lead to a “race to the bottom” as capital moves globally to countries and locations that have less stringent environmental standards. Global economic development, urbanization, our changing lifestyles and a technology-driven society have resulted in new environmental challenges. Climate change is increasingly being seen not just as an environmental issue but as one which cuts across our economic, development and domestic and foreign policy agendas. The special session CCEDEP will offer opportunities for information and knowledge exchange, openness to interdisciplinarity  of experts, researchers and institutions in various fields with the purpose of fostering international cooperation and new research initiatives.

We welcome papers in the following topics:

- Sustainable economy and emerging markets

- Ocean Economy

- Green Economy and renewable economy

- Environmental Management

- Political ecology

- Innovation in Science and Technology related to sustainability

- Higher Education and Sustainable Economic Development 

Participants are invited to submit their papers via the conference online submission system, available from the submission or going directly at: .

All CCEDEP papers must follow the CCEDEP authors guidelines (see bellow) and to name the paper with: CCEDEP Title……… to be differentiated from all other conference papers. The submitted papers will be double-blind peer-reviewed by the members of the Scientific

Committee and carefully checked for originality.  The accepted papers will be published in a special volume – short version, and upon request, the extended and improved version can be submitted to the Journal of Economic Development, Environment and People ( ) , indexed ProQuest, free of charge for all ACEU members.

GOOD NEWS : Thanks to our sponsors, all participants will benefit of a promotional code to book their flights with Turkish Airline. The promotional code will be received with the Acceptance Letter.

SPECIAL OFFER- free of charge: A special training session is available for free to all participants, in the second day. The main topic is Research Funding and Grant writing, and the training session will be held by Mrs. Andreea Tocca MSc, MBA, MPhil, Research

Development Manager, University Campus Suffolk, UK. 


Details and questions can be addressed at  


On behalf of the organizing Committee,

Prof. Manuela Epure, PhD, MCIM

Conference Chair


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Profesorë i asociuar 22%
Me gradë Dr. dhe/ose me titull docent 39%
Me gradë Asistent lektor 29%


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