
2nd International Conference Of English And American Studies (5-6 MAY) - 2nd CALL FOR PAPERS

Myth and Memory: Representing and Misrepresenting National Cultures and Peoples


organized by

Luigj Gurakuqi” University of Shkodra, Albania



The  Department  of  English  and  American  Studies  is  pleased  to  announce  a  call  for  papers  for  an international and inter-disciplinary conference to be held at the University of Shkodra in May 2016.

The end of the 20th century saw the break-up of several apparently established nation states, often following violent conflict. All this took place paradoxically in an era in which the idea of universal human rights was widely

promoted in the context of a so-called globalised economy.

The virulent racism of the early 20th  century returned as ‘ethnic cleansing’. This process, compounded by

sectarian,  linguistic  and  cultural  difference  and  rivalry  has  continued  into  our  own  century  seemingly accompanied by even greater violence. The older religious and imperial orders were largely replaced during the

19th century by the appeal to a new dynamic of ‘nation building’. What appeared as a progressive movement of

liberation, one of the grands recits of history, had consequences that proved disastrous, not least for Europe’s

‘dark twentieth century’. The subsequent break-up of Europe’s overseas empires, the struggles for anti-colonial independence, may be thought in many cases to have produced similar results.

Patriotic sentiment and revolutionary fervour, in both their positive and negative formations, have always

been deeply entwined with cultural and educational activities and programmes. The whole fabric of civilisation is present:  writing  novels,  history,  poetry,  journalism; composing  music;  sculpture, painting  and  architecture; building schools and universities; science and technology; mobilising and training armies; founding constitutions; establishing territorial and  sectarian/confessional claims are  all  necessary and  complementary features of  a conflicted ‘modernity’, that defers to the existence of nation states, while invoking a wider common multi-cultural humanity.

In order to explore these issues, whether in the past or the present (or even, possibly, the future) we invite papers that address aspects of national, ethnic, sectarian, linguistic and cultural identities, and their relative importance as they are manifest in the following fields: literary, artistic, and popular cultural (film, TV, newspapers, etc) production, Political and economic history, Legal and educational systems and practices, Social psychology

We hope to attract speakers from a wide variety of disciplines including literary, media and cultural studies;

linguistics; sociology and political science; theology and philosophy; law and economics; history; education.



Abstract submission: Abstracts no longer than 300 words  in English with up to 5 key words should be sent to and/or Please make sure you include the title, the author’s name, institutional affiliation and email.


Deadline for submissions: December 30, 2015. New: March 7, 2016


Language of presentation: English is preferred (Albanian is optional)


The conference fee of 80 euros includes the book of proceedings, conference material, conference dinner, refreshments, and certificate. The payment will be done upon arrival. Information about registration, accommodation  options,  conference  program  and  other  details  will  be  available  shortly.  The  conference organizing committee will inform each accepted participant about these issues.


Delegates unfamiliar with Albania may like to refer to Byron’s ‘Childe Harold, Canto II, XLVI’

Ev’n to the centre of Illyria’s vales

Childe Harold pass’d o’er many a mount sublime,

Through lands scarce noticed in historic tales; Yet in famed Attica such lovely dales

Are rarely seen; nor can fair Tempe boast

A charm they know not; loved Parnassus fails, Though classic ground and consecrated most,

To match some spots that lurk within this lowering coast.



We look forward to meeting you in Shkodra!


Organizing committee:                       Academic committee: Meri Guli                 Rajmonda Këçira, University of Shkodra

Dr. Arben Bushgjokaj                        Prof. Simon Edwards, University of Roehampton, England

Dr. Albana Hadri                                 Prof. Dr. Roberta Maierhofer, University of Graz

Dr. Dalila Karakaçi                              Prof. Dr. Refik Kadija, University of Shkodra Dr. Ilda Erkoçi                                      

                                                                Pr. Robert Elsie, scholar of Abanian studies MA. Nivis Deda                                    

                                                                Dr. Gëzim Alpion, University of Birmingham

                                                       Meri Guli, EASD, University of Shkodra

                                                                Prof. Dr. Shpresa Delija, University of Tirana

                                                                Dr. Arben Bushgjokaj, EASD, University of Shkodra

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