
2017 Danube: Future Interdisciplinary School - Krems (A) 14-21 July

The Danube-University Krems is able to hold the 2017 Danube:Future Interdisciplinary School (DIS) from July 14th – 21st 2017.
The School is part of the Danube:Future project, a joint initiative of the Alps-Adriatic Rectors’ Conference and the Danube Rectors’ Conference, which has been endorsed as flagship project of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region, priority area 7 - Knowledge Society.
The School deals with “cultural and social implications of global change on the Danube River Basin”. In the enclosed Call for applications you will find an overview of the programme and requirements for participants. We invite applications by PhD Students and Junior Post-docs of your University, especially those with experience and interest in interdisciplinary studies in the context of sustainable development. We would be happy if you could promote the Call at your University as a unique opportunity to learn and interact in interdisciplinary groups with a high-level faculty.
The participation is free. All organizational costs and participants’ living expenses (food allowance and accommodation) shall be covered by the Danube-University Krems and its sponsors, i.e. the Central European Initiative; as a contribution of your institution, we hope you will be able to cover travel costs fully or partly (in the latter case the rest has to be borne by the participant).
Each candidate has to fill in the completed Application form available at by Friday 29th May, 2017. The total number of participants of the school is limited to 28.
The Organizing Committee will select applicants on the grounds of their scholarly achievements and statement of motivation by June 6th 2017.
The Organizing Committee is composed of:
  • Prof. Gerald Steiner, Danube University Krems
  • Prof. Christian Hanus, Danube University Krems
  • Prof. Juliana Popova, University of Ruse
  • Dr. Gertrud Haidvogl, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna
More information about the Danube:Future Interdisciplinary School and about the Danube:Future project, can be found on the website: In case of questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at
We are looking forward to receive applications from your students and post-docs and remain with best regards,
Krems, 27.04.2017

Kualifikimi i stafit akademik të USH

Profesorë 10%
Profesorë i asociuar 22%
Me gradë Dr. dhe/ose me titull docent 39%
Me gradë Asistent lektor 29%


11988 studentët me kohë të plotë.
2153 studentët me kohë të pjesshme
1885 studentët në cikël të dytë
12 Sudentë në Ciklin e III (Doktoratura).