
Open call for: KYATA Academy for NATO and EUCFSP Studies, Durres Albania

Deadline of application: 07-Jun-2015
Kosovo Youth Atlantic Treaty Association has the immense pleasure of inviting you to participate in this year: The Transformation of NATO: from Defense Alliance to Security Management Institution, this will be held for the 5th anniversary of KYATA.

This year the Academy will be held in Durres Albania from 13-16 of Jun 2015.
In this academy we will present two international institutions and receive briefing by best experts on the topics, mentioned in agenda.

The NATO and EU are the most prominent examples on how regional integration works. For 28 Euro-Atlantic member states, respectfully 28 EU members states supranational policy-making determines not only their political and security systems; the global challenges of the 21st century illustrate the limitations of power of individual governments, these requiring common approaches. As a consequence, integration is also considered very important for EU and NATO security policy.

Class: The Transformation of NATO: From Defense Alliance to Security Management Institution

The objective of this academy is to provide students a broad understanding on the historical development, the security, and the social, political and philosophical dimensions of the Euro-Atlantic integration process. Further, the course analyses NATO’s role as an international political and economical factor and its relations with different countries and regions of the world. 
Based on an interdisciplinary approach the courses combine different methodologies such as lectures, round-table discussions, group-work and students' presentations along with excursions to meet politicians, visit museums around Kosovo.

Target Group

Students with different academic backgrounds and a general interest in Euro-Atlantic integration will benefit from each other in an intercultural and interdisciplinary learning process. Former classes consisted of regular students and practitioners such as civil servants, communication experts, young politicians and even parliamentary officials.
The course does not require special knowledge about NATO policies and institutions, European politics, law, history or culture, but participants should be interested in more than just their field of specialization. In class participation, especially in the discussions with experts, is essential for the course success and plays an important role in grading.

Lectures, presentations and examinations will be held in English.

Application for participation:
All participants must send their CV and motivation letter to kyata .info by
07 Jun 2015, at 24:00. 

Eligible country to apply: The eligible students to apply are all students/candidates that no need visa to enter to the Republic of Albania.

Tuition fee:
Tuition fee for Western Balkan student is 100 euro;
The tuition fee for non Western Balkan students is 125 euro

This tuition price includes:
Tuition (all lectures, workshops, discussions as mentioned in the program)
Culture and social events (as mentioned in the program)
Reading materials (on-line version will be at your disposal after confirmation of your participation with students at (Kosovo Youth Atlantic Treaty Association Facebook Group)
Housing and 3 meals a day (breakfast, lunch and dinner) Thanks to the generosity of KYATA and Partners, student exchange as its highest priority you can make use of the low cost of this academy in comparison with other summer schools in the Balkan Peninsula and abroad. For very reasonable price you will get the highest academic standards and an exciting culture, social, and study visits program in Durres.

Moreover, accommodation, meals and reading materials are prepared for you, so you don’t have to worry about anything. You can concentrate only on studying and enjoying yourself.

The only costs not included in the price are travel cost, and health insurance :-)

For more information and registration please contact us;
E-mail: Kyata .info@ gmail. com
Info@ yata-kosova .org 
Tel: +37745603619
FB: Yata Kosova
www. yata-kosova .org

P.S. After political crisis in Macedonia, YATA Kosova, has decided to change the place of the event and to organize in Durres Albania

Kualifikimi i stafit akademik të USH

Profesorë 10%
Profesorë i asociuar 22%
Me gradë Dr. dhe/ose me titull docent 39%
Me gradë Asistent lektor 29%


11988 studentët me kohë të plotë.
2153 studentët me kohë të pjesshme
1885 studentët në cikël të dytë
12 Sudentë në Ciklin e III (Doktoratura).