As part of the EU-Programme ERASMUS+ Mobility with Partner Countries, the University of Zagreb, Croatia in collaboration with the University of Shkodra “Luigj Gurakuqi” offers 1 scholarship in the field of Informatics in Bachelor level for the winter semester 2018/19.
This scholarship is offered in the framework of program titled: International credit mobility financed by EU. This program enables to students of Shkodra University to go to University of Zagreb (Faculty of Organization and Informatics -Varazdin). Students are able to study at Zagreb University for a period of about 6 months (October 2018 – February 2019) for which credits are obtained. After the mobility phase, the students return to their sending institution to complete their studies.
Preliminary requirements are:
- applicant has to be enrolled as a full-time-student at the University of Shkodra in a BA programme that will lead to an accepted degree;
- the first year of study needs to be completed before mobility;
- the grant is tied to a successful completion of a full semester at the University of Zagreb;
- scholarshipholder must not receive financial support from any another EU-programme at the same time;
Required documents students for the application are:
- Curriculum Vitae (English),
- The Learning Agreement (students need to fill in both tables on the 1st page: planned study programme at UNIZG + recognition at your home university; the recommended minimum number of ECTS credits is 20ECTS –
- Grade Transcript,
- Certificate of Enrolment – confirmation the student is enrolled at home university,
- Copy of passport (first page with the photo and personal data)
- Proof of English knowledge if you are following courses in English – B2 level (all kinds of certificate, from different language schools are accepted)
The financial support for the student is 800EUR per months and the UNIZG will buy the return plane ticket for the student if he/she is accepted for student exchange.
All documents have to be sent in electronically as one pdf-file at
Assessment of the applications
A selection committee with members of both universities will assess the applications.
Application deadline: May 20, 2018
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