The European Centre and "Konrad Adenauer" Foundation in cooperation with the Department of Public Law at the Faculty of Law of Shkodra, University "Luigj Gurakuqi", organized one day training titled: "The day after having received “The EU candidate status” - what comes next?". This activity took place on 05. 07. 2015
The organisers of this activity showed their ideas for the work that should be done by our country in order to become part of the big European family. The training coincided with the "European Week 2015", which is finalized on May 9th, which is the symbol of Europe day.
The organiser chose the University of Shkodra "Luigi Gurakuqi" as it is one of the institutions of higher education which has consistently been open to such collaborations. The curricula offered by the Faculty of Law of Shkodra University includes issues related to the European Union.
Young generations should make effort in order to bring "New Era" towards the EU. The training emphasized that we need to meet the five following criteria that are set as a condition for joining the EU :
1. Public administration reform;
2. Reform of the justice system;
3. The fight against corruption;
4. The fight against organized crime;
5. Protection of Human Rights.
Speakers stressed that after meeting these criteria, Albanians can have a better and more safed life in Europe.
The training program was as following:
• Presentation of the project by Ina Xhepa - European Centre
• "Europeanization: EU and Albania" - PhD Elvin Gjevori, European University of Tirana
• "Advantages and disadvantages of entering into the Euro area" - PhDc. Margerita Topalli, the Bank of Albania
• "My European passport" - Ina Xhepa, the European Centre
• Discussions
• Conclusions and certificates awarding
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