The University of Shkodra, "Luigj Gurakuqi" has provided strong collaborative relations with international universities, different foundations, organizations and associations. In this framework the University has signed several collaboration agreements and protocols on mutual interest fields. The University of Shkodra has singed collaboration agreements with:
- Tehcnical University of Ostrava, Faculty of Economics - 01.06.2016
- Universiteti i Piemonte Orinetale –UPO - 20.10.2016
- Kolegji i Gjilanit - 14.07.2016
- Shoqata „Geroge C. Marshall“, Shqiperi - 29.06.2016
- Istituto Universitario di Studi Europei - 11.01.2016
- U.of Information Science and Technology, “St. Paul the Apostle“ Macedonia 04.04.2016
- Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences, Latvia, 15.01.2016
- Scuole Civiche di Milano - Prill 2016
- SDMI ,Sustainable Development Management Institute - 15.07.2015
- Universiteti i Osijek, Croatia - 29.05.2015
- U. Education for Busines and Technology Kosovo - 29.05.2015
- Kolegji Internacional Prizren - 14.04.2015
- U. Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina - 10.02.2015
- Seconda Universita degli Studi di Napoli - 29.07.2015
- Universiteti i Mitrovices “Isa Buletini“ - 02.11.2015
- Pledge to Peace, Bruxelles - 09.12.2015
- School of Advanced Social Studies, (Nova Gorica) 11.06.2015
- Mediterranea Libera Universita Popolare - 15.12.2014
- Univerisiteti “Aldo Moro“, Bari, Italia - 12.02.2014
- AICA-Associazione Nazionale per la Formazione e l’Orientamento, ANFOR - 09.07.2014
- Consortium Universitar Mesdhetar-African , CUAM - 20.01.2014
- Universiteti i Gjakoves - 10.04.2014
- Preschool Teachers Training College , Kikinda, Serbi - 14.03.2014
- Universiteti i Zagrebit, Kroaci - 21.01.2014
- Universiteti i Zagrebit, Fakulteti i Informatikes Varazdin - 30.05.2014
- University of Zagreb, Croatia 21.01.2014,
- University Consortium Africa and Mediterrean C.U.A.M 20.01.2014,
- Ordu University, Turkey - 08.06.2013
- University of Tennessee (Chattanooga, USA) - 24.05.2013
- University of Agriculture and Rural Development (Bulgaria) - 24.05.2013
- University of Zagreb (Croatia), Teaching Faculty - 24.05.2013
- University "Sacred Heart" (USA) - 24.05.2013
- University College Prizren - 24.05.2013
- "Fame" College (Kosovo) - 24.05.2013
- University of Warsaw, Poland 27.06.2012.
- University of Agora, Romania 07.06.2011.
- University of Bicocca, Italy 18.04.2011,
- Alps-Adriatic Rectors Conference (AARC), 14.05.2011,
- University of Padova, Italy 25.11.2010,
- International University of Tirana 28.10.2010,
- Alliance of Central- Eastern European Universities. 23.09.2010,
- Libera Facolta di Scienze Turistiche, Italy- 27.05.2010,
- Metropolitan State College of Denver- 03.05.2010,
- Belgrade University (Serbia)- 19.03.2010,
- Petrosani University (Romania) 11.06.2009,
- Gaziantiep University (Republic of Turkey) 08.05.2009,
- Saint Etienne University (France) 21.10.2008,
- "Karl Franzens" University of Graz -1993. This agreement is renewed on 19.05.2014,
- Klagenfurt University (Austria) - 1998. This agreement is renewed on 25.09.2009,
- Sandhills Community College South Carolina (USA) - This agreement was frist signed on May. 8. 2008 and renewed on 28.102013 ,
- Florence University (Italy) - 2002. This agreement is renovated on 04.12.2013,
- Agder University (Norway)- 2007,
- Sarajevo University (Bosnia- Herzegovina) - 2007,
- Parma University (Italy) - 2007,
- Pisa University (Italy) -2006,
- Pécs University (Hungary) 2006,
- Pristina University (Kosovo) -2005,
- Podgorica University (Monte Negro) -2004, renewed every year.
- Bologna University (Italy) -1994.
The collaboration among the University of Shkodra and other International homologue universities or institutions is based on many aspects. The most important aspects are: Academic staff mobility to exchange experiences on documentation and literature (in the framework of the implementation of the Bologna Process), the organization of mutual activities in supporting the qualification of the academic staff, compiling and applying mutual projects, organizing mutual scientific conferences or activities, student mobility etc.
Another very important aspect is the participation of the University Shkodra in bilateral or multilateral projects. During these years the University of Shkodra has participated in many projects. The largest projects are:
- Tempus Project JEP - 15054 2000 "The Model of European Judge” 2000 – 2002. There were trained 30 judges from Albania, Bosnia -Herzegovina and Macedonia.
- Tempus Project IB JEP - 17018 - 2002 "Public Administration and Management in Shkoder" (PAMS)
- 2005- “Tempus Project, CH-RO-0014-02-0607-Ro 130 -Borders and Borderlines in Cultural Anthropology” in the university education. The faculty of Social sciences, University of Shkodra.
- 2005- Tempus Project CH-0029-02- 060 7- Idea of European Culture, History and Politic. The faculty of Social Sciences, University of Shkodra.
- Tempus Joint Project ETF-JP-00199-2008 , 144703-TEMPUS-1-2008-1-BA-TEMPUS-JPCR- “See Doctorial Studies in Mathematical Sciences”
- Tempus Joint Project, ETF-JP-00442-2008 144949-TEMPUS-1-2008-1-AT-TEMPUS-JPCR- “Example of excellence for joint (Degree) Programme Development in South- Eastern Europe”
- TEMPUS-JPGR 517097-TEMPUS-1-2011-1-BA, University of Shkodra, Quality in Research
- TEMPUS-JPCR 517471-TEMPUS-1-2011-1-IT, University of Shkodra, “Network for Post Graduate Masters in Cultural Heritage and Tourism Management in Balkan Countries (CHTMBAL)
- Tempus-“530243-TEMPUS-1-2012-ES-Tempus –SMHES., University of Shkodra, Developing third mission activities in Albanian Universities,
- Tempus, 530631-TEMPUS-1-2012-1-BE-TEMPUS-JPGR, University of Shkodra, Empowering universities to fulfil their responsibility for quality assurance (EUREQA)
- Tempus - 544169-TEMPUS-1-2013-BE-TEMPUS-JPCR, University of Shkodra, Competency Based Curriculum Reform in Nursing and Caring in Western Balkan Universities-
- Tempus - 544362-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-IT-TEMPUS-JPCR, University of Shkodra, Sport Professions- Education, Employment, Development in the Balkan Region
- Tempus - 544257-TEMPUS-1-2013-ME-TEMPUS –JPCR(2013-4538/001-001), University of Shkodra, Modernizing and harmonizing maritime education in Montenegro and Albania
- Erasmus + project, Project reference 573534-EPP-1-2016-1-RS-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP-E+CBHE, University of Shkodra, FINanacial management, Accounting and Controlling curricula development for capacity building of public administration / FINAC
Since 2004 The High Pedagogical School of Soloturn (Switzerland) has been engaged in the project in partnership with the University of Shkodra (Educational Sciences Faculty mainly with the Elementary and Pre- elementary teacher Branch). The objective of the project is to exchange reciprocal educational experiences mainly in Elementary and Pre- elementary schools. It is important to stress the fact that students have directly been engaged in this project.
The Conference of German Rectors and Heilderberg University financed the project titled "Ecosystem research of Shkodra Lake". This is a scientific project on Environmental issues and it is applied through the collaboration among The University of Shkodra, The University of Graz, The University of Podgorica and The University of Heidelberg. Since 2005 the University of Shkodra has applied in CEEPUS network and has been recruited into two following networks:
Social Sciences Faculty:CH-RO-0014-02-0607-Ro 130/ -Borders and Borderlines in Cultural Anthropology in the university education. CII- CZ-0029-02- 0607- Idea of European Culture, History and Politic Economic Faculty:CII-At-0068-02-0607- Amadeus
Some other institutions that have given a great contribution are: SOROS foundation (offering scholarships, financial and technical assistance), DAAD from TEMPUS programme, "Madonnina del Grappa" Foundation in Florence (this foundation has played a great role on the establishment of Typing Centre of University, the establishment of Physiotherapy branch at University and in many other aspects).
University of Shkodra has also signed many collaboration agreements with the following foreign Universities on the mobility of the academic and administrative staff as well as students’ mobility. These agreements are signed under the program of Credit Mobility (KA1).
- University of Vechta, Germany 2015-2020,
- University of Varna Bulgaria, 2015-2020
- University of Almeiras Spain, 2015-2020
- University of Prague, Cezch Republic, 2015-2020
- University of Krakow, Poland, 2015-2020,
- University of Foro Italico, Italy, 2015-2020
- University of Ostrava, Cezch Republic, 2015-2020
- University of Warsaw, Poland, 2015-2020
- University of Camerino, Italy, 2015-2020
- 11637 reads