The Ministry of State for Innovation and Public Administration organized an info session with students attending the Master programs of studies. The meeting was attended by Mrs. Milena Harito, Minister of State for Innovation and Public Administration.
This event took place in the conference room at the Rectorate of Shkodra University "Luigj Gurakuqi"on 30 January 2015.
The meeting intended to increase the knowledge, interest and confidence on this important reform. The opening speech was done by the Vice-Rector of Shkodra University "Luigj Gurakuqi", Fatmir Vadahi, who stated: "The initiative taken by the Ministry of State for Innovation and Public Administration for organizing this info session at our university is very important and meets our goals. Students should be motivated and see university closely linked to the labour market. Study programs we offer at our faculties, especially the master study programs, have been updated and will continue to be updated with the needs and specifications of the job market. Our challenges remain to promote, inform and guide students towards employment. We need to make them aware that they need to obtain knowledge which fits to the jobs they wish to work on"
In her speech, the Minister of State for Innovation and Public Administration, Ms. Milena Harito, said that the meeting was conceived in the form of conversation. At first she made a presentation of the reforms in public administration. She highlighted the novelty of contests, competitions figures and the actual process. In the first contest held in October 2014 figures were: 113 vacancies, 5,200 applicants and after the competition only 38 applicants won. In competitions held in December, 2014 figures were: 148 vacancies, 7,000 applicants and 114 applicants won. At the meeting it was noted that the increasing number of winners testified the growth of seriousness and commitment of the applicants in the process of testing.
A particular emphasis was placed on innovation contests. This process is applied for the first time in the history of public administration in Albania. Following are several innovations during these contests:
- The competition took place in such a way that all the tests were secreted and each applicant was provided with a barcode, which was unique for each of them;
- Evaluation was done automatically;
- Oral test was done by the selected commission and it was recorded with the approval of the candidate;
- The winner had the right to choose the institution where he/she wanted to work, based on his ranking and according to the points earned;
Innovations of amendments on Civil Servants Law
The main innovation which applies to all employed in state sector is the transparency criteria. All administration employees will need to constantly update their knowledge. The same process of evaluation will apply to all civil service.
Mrs. Harito further said: “I am taking this campaign to universities in order to explain in detail the process. People will go into administration on equal terms and if they deserve the position. Our administration has to face major challenges, where the key is the integration into the European Union. This administration should be reformed and developed because we provide public services. Our challenge is to attract the best candidates in public administration".
During the meeting a winning candidate of the previous competition brought her experience to the students attending this meeting.
The meeting went on with different questions and answers on this topic.
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