The jubilee activity titled "20th anniversary of the Economics Faculty - Contributions, Achievements and Prospects was held on 23.10.2013. This activity took place at conference hall A3, by the Rectorate of Shkodra University “Luigj Gurakuqi ". This event was conceived as a meeting with students and professors of the Faculty of Economics in years and was attended by academics, parliamentarians, central and local authorities, professors of partner universities, personalities in different fields and representatives of businesses etc. The meeting was opened and introduced by the lecturer of this Faculty Mrs. Kleidia Heta (Tufi). The Pro-Rector of Shkodra University “Luigj Gurakuqi ", Prof. as.dr. Fatmir Vadahi, said: "These moments give us specific and impressive emotions and often leave permanent traces in our memory. For me today it is a very special pleasure to welcome this ceremony organized on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Faculty of Economics, a faculty that has grown and strengthened in all aspects, both in quantitative and qualitative”.
The Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Prof. dr. Arjeta Troshani said: “I would like to stressed out that the life of this faculty along the western projects has had an strong impact on academic staff, students and on the economy of the Northern Regional too. From the moment of the establishment, the Faculty of Economics had the opportunity to work in the framework of a project with the U.S Department State and the Southern Illinois University, which had a strong impact on this faculty. This project included qualification of the academic staff, as it provided support for obtaining an MBA degree to 10 members of the academic staff. It should be noted that getting a Master's degree from an American university, was a great opportunity for the members of the staff, whose career was not only improved but also had an impact in improving the quality of teaching. This influence was transmitted directly to students, who then used the academic literature by famous American authors. As a result of this project, there were used for the first time methods of measuring performance and quality in teaching students through questionnaires. There was also introduced and applied the philosophy of putting students at the centre of the process of teaching. As part of this project, many members of the academic staff did several economic studies focused on the discovery of economic potentials in the region of Northern Albania and enhance the impact on the economy of this region.
A welcome speech was also given by Prof. as.dr. Drita Kruja, who spoke in his capacity of the President of the Administration Council of Shkodra University. She noted that the Faculty of Economics was the main contributor to USH. Dr. Albana Begani (Head of Business -Administration Department), Prof.as.dr. Brilanda Bushati (Head of Tourism department) and Dr . Blerta Dragusha (Head of Finance and Accounting Department) shared their emotions with participants on this occasion.
Former Rector of Shkodra University, Prof.as.dr. Gjovalin Kolombi said: “I have followed your successes all the time and even though I was optimistic I would not think that this Faculty would become what it is today ". He then brought his early memories and difficulties in establishing such a faculty. Prof. dr . Mahir Hoti, another former rector of USH stressed out that this was a big celebration not only for faculty but also for the University itself. “I am so excited, like never before, as I can see a successful journey over the years with clear indicators”.
Prof. dr. Mimoza Hafiz (Member of Parliament from Shkodra) conveyed two important messages in this activity. First, she stopped to the link of this Faculty has with Shkodra region and stressed that this faculty is a great asset for our region. The second message was on the academic field. She said: “On behalf of the professors and excellent students, we have the duty improve our higher education system and put it into the proper order. Your faculty has the potential to be in tune with this goal".
Prof. dr. Sadije Bushati, Prof.as.dr. Mirjeta Beqiri, Dr. Edlira Gjuraj, Gyzela Piroviq and Fatmir Gjeka (Advisors in Montenegro Assembly), Oli Pero, Mr. Ted Oelfke, Dr. Mimoza Rroji, Albana Gjyrezi and Mrs. Adriana Galvani had their greeting speeches on this important occasion.
The activity went on with a photo documentary clip on the 20 year history of this Faculty. The Faculty of Economics of Tirana University had its branch at the High Pedagogical Institute of Shkodra for a long period. High Pedagogical Institute became a University on May 28, 1991. The faculty of Economics was opened in September 1993, with Decision no. 349, dated 10.08.1992 of Ministry of Education and Science. From 1993 to 2000, the Faculty had only one branch, Business Administration Branch. This department has its origins in the composition of the Faculty of Natural Sciences of this University. The Faculty of Economics gained the independent status as a separated Faculty within the University of Shkodra by the Decision of Ministers´ Council, nr.332, dated 05/13/1996. In 2000, the Ministry of Education and Science approved the establishment of Finance - Accounting Department and in 2001 Marketing - Tourism Department. In the academic year 2005-2006, the Department of Tourism implemented for the first time the teaching program system under the Bologna Declaration in the Faculty of Economics. This process was support by the German Rectors ' Conference (HRK). In the academic year 2008-2009 three branches of the Faculty of Economics began to offer the 3 year First Level of Studies according to the Bologna declaration. In the academic year 2009-2010, this Faculty started to offer the first second cycle of studies, Master of Science in Sustainable Tourism and in 2011 in Business- Administration, Finance and Accounting. In the 2012-2013 academic year offered 3 Professional Master in Cultural Heritage Management and Tourism, Administration - Business and Finance- Banking.
The Faculty of Economics is installed and conducts scientific learning in a territory with remarkable traditions in the field of education, history, culture and business. The city of Shkodra, as an important reference point for all Albanian territories in northern Albania and a tradition of thousands of years in trade, crafts and entertainment, is a very good work area for the development of teaching and research activities.
Faculty of Economics is one of the six Faculties of Shkodra University "Luigj Gurakuqi ". It has three departments: Department of Business Administration (1993), Department of Tourism (2005), Department of Finance and Accounting (2008). In total it has 93 full-time and part-time professors. Over these 20 years this Faculty has organized many national and international scientific conferences, most of which have been published. It is worth mentioning the joint annual publication with the Faculty Law titled Bulletin of series of economic and legal sciences.
Partnerships of this Faculty are another main objective of the work over the years. Today it has collaboration with 18 western universities ensuring connectivity in terms of exchange of teachers and students. Some of the projects are in the framework of CEPPUS, TEMPUS, ERASMUS - MUNDUS (Sigma), projects of cooperation with the Municipality of Shkodra, Ministry of Education and Science, Sandhills Community College (USA) etc. During the 1996-1997 students of the Faculty of Economics were organized in a student association called SIFE (Students in Free Enterprise, supported by Business Assistance Centre (QAB) from the University of Nebraska, USA. There are more than 11 generations of students who participate in SIFE. Students in this organization have had the opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge obtained during their studies at this university. In the tradition of faculty organizations there are also job fairs in which students are promoted.
The University Senate awarded the title “Gratitude of Shkodra University” to the following personalities: Prof. dr. Mahir Hoti, Prof. as. dr. Gjovalin Kolombi, Dr. (PhD) Mimoza Rroji , Prof .dr. Sadije Bushati, Prof .dr. Esmeralda Uruçi ( after death), Prof .dr. Arjeta Troshani , Dr (PhD). Mirjeta Beqiri, Mr. Sang Lee, Mr. Massimo Bianchi, Mr. Sarah Santoro, Mr. Ted Oelfke, Mrs Victoria Enzenhofer, Mr . Hannes Kniffka , Mrs . Adriana Galvani with the following motivation: "For outstanding contribution to the establishment, consolidation and development of the Faculty of Economics of Shkodra University ". In this context a memorandum of understanding was signed between Sandhills Community College Pinehurst, North Carolina and the Faculty of Economics, University of Shkodra “Luigj Gurakuqi ". The mission of the Faculty of Economics has been and will be to prepare qualified economists and managers to contribute to the running of the business and economic development.
The main supporters for this activity were Albtelecom and Eagle Mobile companies.
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