This activity took place at the conference hall in the Rectorate of Shkodra "Luigj Gurakuqi" University.
This Project Aims Critical Skills Learning for Innovation, Sustainable Growth, Mobility and Employability in the Multicultural Environment of the Western Balkans. The project is addressed to the teachers, students and administrative staff of universities in the region. University of Shkodra "Luigj Gurakuqi", is a partner of this consortium along with 20 other EU and the Western Balkans universities.
During this info ssesion there was given information on the scholarships offered by this project. These scholarships cover travel costs, insurance, tuition fees and a monthly stipend to cover living expenses. In th e framework of this project there are included all fields of study that are available at the partner universities.
During this activity there were given instructions on the application forms. The representative from the main coordinatoar of this projects (University of Warsaw) expalined in details the above mentioned information and also informed about the following website www.sigma.uw.edu.pl where the interested target groups can find the needed information for a successful application.
Coordinator of the project for the University of Shkodra is Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Prof. dr. Arjeta Troshani.
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