The Faculty of Social Sciences and the Institute of Albanian Studies of Shkodra University organized the International Scientific Academy "100 vjet Hylli i Dritës" on 18 December 2013. This activity was organised with the support of the Austrian Honorary Consulate. It took place within the 100 - anniversary of the release of the first issue of the magazine title "Hylli i Dritës". This was an important cultural, philological and literary periodical. This periodical was an important event not only for Shkodra but for Albania too. The Dean of this Faculty, Mimoza Priku, opened the activity.
In his greeting, Prof. dr. Artan Haxhi, Rector of the University of Shkodra "Luigj Gurakuqi", said: "I want to thank you for your presence and contribution. I am really honoured by the participation of prominent qualified personalities of science, colleagues and researchers with important contributions to various fields of knowledge, linguists, historians, writers and scholars. A century ago, when our country had just started to be governed as an independent there was published the famous magazine called "Hylla". This magazine was published by the Franciscan order. This order was so popular in Albania and one of the initiators was the famous Albanian poet, Fishta, who had the courage to bring to the forefront of Albanian culture this European level magazine”.
Prof. dr. Hysni Matoshi, Director of Albanian Studies Institute of Pristina, Kosovo and Gjergj Leqejza, Honorary Consul of Austria in Shkodra, welcomed the work of the academy.
This event was held in three sessions where different papers were presented according to the program.
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