The Austrian Library and the Department of German language at the University of Shkodra “Luigj Gurakuqi " , organized for the sixth year the cultural activity titled “Austria Reads”. This activity was organised in cooperation with the Austrian Embassy in Tirana, Austrian Honorary Consulate in Shkodra and the Austrian School " Peter Mahringer ". This activity was opened by Ma . Oriona Zylja (responsible of the section of Austrian Library) who made a presentation of this library. Ms . Gerlinde Tagini ( Director of the Austrian Coolege in Shkodra) and Mr . Gjergj Liqejza ( Honorary Consul of Austria in Shkodra) had their greeting speeches in this event. For the participants there was also given welcoming speech on behalf of the Austrian Embassy in Tirana . The event continued with the presentation of a radio project "Balkan Calling " , prepared by students of the Department of German language, as well as reading some poems of Austrian poet, Peter Roseger, in Albanian and German. Students of the Austrian School presented a documentary prepared for Shkodra in German, as well as a presentation of the latest book published by the Austrian School . Oriona Zylja brought to participants some information with photos from Vienna and at the end the participants visited an exhibition of paintings by Gazmend Kruja .
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