"Choral music and its role in the education of students" - presentation and concert of the choir of Shkodra University "Luigj Gurakuqi".

The presentation of Shkodra University choir and discussions on the topic: "Choral Music and its role in the education of students " was organised at the conference Hall A3 by the Rectorate of Shkodra University "Luigj Gurakuqi" on June 12th, 2015.
In this meeting professors Roland Guli, Mimoza Rakaj and Qamil Gjyrezi had their speeches on this topic.
Professor, Roland Guli said: "Sharing music together" is nowadays one of the most used methods in music education”
In her reference, Prof. Mimoza Rakaj focused on the importance of cultivating singing and choral music by including a large group of students.
Mr. Qamil Gjyrezi talked on the importance of the music education and students´ formation.
The program included music and songs from Shkodra region as well as classical music from Tchaikovsky, Schubert ect.
The choir of Shkodra University is composed of students from different faculties.
The event was organized as a part of the concert that this choir is going to perform on June 15th, 2015 at the lobby of "Migjeni" theatre.

Qualification of Academic University staff

Professors 10%
Associate Professors 22%
Dr. and/or with Docents 39%
Assistant lecturer 29%


11988 bachelor students
2153 part-time students
1885 MSc students
12 PhD students