The activity titled: "A life with the book and for the book" dedicated to the researcher Willy Kamsi was organised on 22. 04. 2014 at the University Library. This activity was organized in the framework of the World Day of the Book in collaboration with the Research Institute of Albanological Studies.
Willy Kamsi spent all his life working at the Library of Shkodra Higher Pedagogical Institute. He has also worked with historical and bibliographic studies. He has published a series of articles and translated several works. In 1993 he was appointed the first Ambassador of Albania to the Holy See in Vatican which has represented our country with a great dignity.
The opening event's speech was held by the Library Director, Ms. Alida Luka. She assessed the contribution of Mr. Kamsi as an employer of the library, especially in the enrichment of the Albanological fund. In this way he remains an important point of reference for the researchers. She added: "Through this event we aim not only to disseminate the values of this figure but also to express our gratitude".
Memories and experiences from the work of W. Kamsi, has been brought for the participants by Mrs. Mimoza Hoxha, employed in this library. Among other things she pointed out that every book from our library was maintained by Mr. Kamsi.
W. Kamsi is considered as one of the most eminent bibliographers of Shkodra, among other famous bibliographer such as: J. Kastrati, M. Quku, T. Osman, Nj . Kazazi, P. Kotrri, M. Gero and Gj. Çuni.
Prof . dr. Tefe Topalli and Zamira Shkreli presented a report entitled " The Voice of W. Kamsi in an Albanological book ."
The Director of the City Library "Marin Barleti", Mr. Gjovalin presented his work: "A look at the philological studies of W. Kamsi." In this work Çuni said: "Kamsi is not a simply user of literature, but in the same time he is also the creator of many thematic bibliographies that really constitute an important basis for any Albanologist.
Olympia Kakarriqi represented the work titled: "The contribution of W. Kamsi in bibliographic field”.
Some considerations for Willy Kamsi were also brought to participants by Prof. dr. Tomor Osmani.
The meeting ended with a photographic montage of the life and activity of this researcher.
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