The Faculty of Natural Sciences has sevenbranches: Mathematics, Informatics, Physics, Biology- Chemistry, General Nursery, Nursery - Midwifery and Nursery- Physiotherapy branches. After finishing studies this faculty issues the following diplomas:
- “ Bachelor degree in Mathematics”,
- “ Bachelor degree in Informatics”,
- “ Bachelor degree in Physics”,
- “ Bachelor degree in Biology- Chemistry”,
- “ Bachelor degree in General Nursery”,
- “ Bachelor degree in Physiotherapy”,
- “ Bachelor degree in Midwifery”.
Diploma of the second level
Master of Science in Environmental Biology.
Professional Master in Health Psychology
This faculty has four departments (Mathematics, Physics, Biology- Chemistry and Nursery) and the Institute of Studies of Hydro-system of Shkodra Region.
42 full- time pedagogues teach at this faculty. The academic staff of this Faculty is composed of 6 Professors, 10 Associated Professors, 4 Docents, 5 PhD, 5 PhD candidates, 11 M.a. pedagogues and 1 lecturer. There also teach 112 part-time pedagogues (1 Emeritus Professor, 2 professors, 3 associated professors, 9 PhD, 10 PhD candidates, 35 Masters, 12 lecturers and 40 instructors of professional practice.
Dean: Prof. dr. Suzana (Kuçi) GOLEMI
tel. +355 22 800654
Dean’s secretary: Rudina (Bushati) MERAJA
tel. +355 22 800654
Educational secretaries:
Endrita Dizdari
tel. +355 22 800654
tel. +355 22 800654
Natalina (Palaj)PLANI
tel: +3552228938
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