AADF Master’s Degree Fellowship Program Call for Application





The AADF has opened the call for application for the Master’s Degree Fellowship Program. This is a competitive fellowship program intended for Albanian professionals to study and obtain a Master’s Degree from a U.S. higher education institution in one of the following fields:

-           Business Administration & Management

-           Cultural Heritage

-           Eco-Tourism & Hospitality

-           Education

-           Information Technology & Computer Science

-           Public Administration

-           Public Policy


AADF fully funds the Fellows' participation in the program by covering the following costs:

•          Tuition Fees

•          Room and Board

•          Book allowance

•          Medical Insurance

•          Round-trip travel

•          Visa Fees


This merit-based program is open to anyone who meets the following requirements:


•          In possession of a passport from Albania by October 2018.

•          Habitual resident in Albania and residing in Albania at the time of application and during the selection process.

•          Have work experience that can convincingly demonstrate existing and durable ties to Albania, and a firm commitment to return to Albania for at least two years after the completion of the program.

•          Motivated with a sense of purpose in pursuing the desired study program, as demonstrated in prior relevant work experience and additional activities.

•          Must have completed a Bachelor's Degree or the equivalent from a recognized and accredited institution prior to the start of the Master’s Degree Fellowship Program.

•          Proficient in spoken and written English at the time of application. The application, selection process, and interview are all conducted in English

•          Able to demonstrate an outstanding academic record and achievements.

•          Able to demonstrate professional aptitude and leadership potential in the selected field of specialization.

•          Able to begin the program of study in the United States in the summer of 2019.

•          Able to receive and maintain a U.S. J-1 exchange visitor visa.

•          Agree to return and reside to Albania for a minimum of two years to make a significant contribution to the relevant field and must agree to sign an agreement with AADF prior to start of academic year.

•          Willing to continue close collaboration with alumni group and AADF upon return.

Applicants who have already earned a Master's Degree from a U.S. university will not be considered.


AADF has partnered with American Councils for International Education to assist the placement of fellows in U.S and monitor their academic progress. The program is co-funded by the Biberaj Foundation, based in U.S.


The 2019 application for the Master’s Degree Fellowship Program is open and will be available until 11:59 PM (EST) on July 31, 2018.


To learn about the program please click on the link



The application form is available at https://www.americancouncilsnetwork.org/mip/index.php


For any question related to the program, contact the team master@mip-aadf.org.


Best regards,


MIP Team


Str. Ibrahim Rugova, Building 42, Entrance 7, Ap. 61,

Administrative Unit Nr. 5, 1019, PO Box. 1731


Tel: +(355) 4 222 2408

E-mail: master@mip-aadf.org


Qualification of Academic University staff

Professors 10%
Associate Professors 22%
Dr. and/or with Docents 39%
Assistant lecturer 29%


11988 bachelor students
2153 part-time students
1885 MSc students
12 PhD students