The Faculty of Economics organized the fair of cultural tourism titled "Shkodra - tradition, culture, history” on 10.24.2013. This activity was held this morning in front of the Municipality of Shkodra. There were presented some of the most successful businesses in the Northern region of Albania. “It is the first time that such an exhibition is organized in Shkodra in such a format," noted Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Prof. dr. Arjeta Troshani at the opening ceremony of this event. She further added that they selected this form of organizing the fair, because Shkodra was considered as a precious treasure of historical and cultural values which Shkodra boasts with. She also said: “Our city is a major tourist destination on the map of cultural tourism in Albania. Brilanda Bushati (Head of Tourism Department) said: Through this fair we are presenting a bouquet of colors of Shkodra cultural heritage and here are some of operators of tourism in our region.
From 10:00 to 11:00 there was a parade with clothing that evoked the history and characteristics of the area. What made the difference was the parade with Illyrian dresses, Highland traditional clothes, bridesmaid dresses and groom costumes from Shkodra or the carnival masks. The program of the fair was associated with interpretations of folk song of Shkodra. Later the activity continued with visits of the participants in this fair. Some of the stakeholders who exhibited their products were restaurants and hotels from the Region such as Tradita, Grand Hotel Europa, Hotel Colosseo, Hotel Argenti, Hotel Rozafa etc. Agricultural products and handicraft, paintings on wood, textile works, jewelery and work masks drew the attention of the participants. In this exhibition there were also present representatives from cultural institutions such as "Migjeni" Theatre in Shkodra, " Preng Jakova” music of school, Vllaznia Sports Club, Shkodra Museum ect. The goal of this activity was the promotion of cultural values of Shkodra. The Department of Tourism also represented the Tempus project titled “Chtmbal” which is making a great contribution to the development of the Faculty of Economics and especially to Department of Tourism.
In conclusion we could say that this was a particular activity compared to previously organised activities. The Faculty of Economics as a promoter of the event had a wide impact on the representatives of the main institutions of the Shkodra region, citizens, University students and high school students.
This activity was supported by the Municipality of Shkodra , VEAT company, Hotel Colosseo , Vllaznia Sports Club, “Merdita" company, "Shkodra Travel Agency", “Europe Travel Agency", Balkans Peace Park Project, Tradita restaurant , "Migjeni" Theatre, Hotel Argenti, Medreseja Haxhi Sheh Shamia, masks factory " Venice Art ", Association of handicrafts artisans of Albania, " Peter Gaci " Cultural Center, "28 Nëntori” Gymnasium, Velaria Orchidea Sposa Shkodër, tailoring Company of Begati Isufi tailoring company of Luljeta Sokoli (Cungu) and Mr . Arben Gjuraj (Dajç Commune).
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