The Faculty of Economics in cooperation with the Albanian Socio-Economic Forum held a two-day training course on "Entrepreneurship and managerial skills" in the conference room at the Rectorate of Shkodra University. This training is aimed at encouraging students to entrepreneurship and took place on 28-29. 03. 2015
The program of this training was as following:
Title: "Entrepreneurship and Management Skills"
1st Day - March 28, 2015
Session I - “Entrepreneurship and Management Skills"
Presentation of the training, participants get to know each other and form groups - Msc Armira Lazaj
Opening speech by the executive director of the ASET (Albanian Socio Economic Think Tank) - Prof.Dr. Fatmir Memaj
An overview of entrepreneurship and innovation - Msc. Armira.Lazaj
Management skills, sales and relationships. Customer Service. – Prof. Dr. David Turner (translated into Albanian by the PhD candidate Mirela Gavoci)
The management of time, stress and changes – Msc. Armir Lazaj
Now you are a manager. After that ...? - Msc Armir Lazaj
Body language (New Vision) - Nunzia Morricone & Ergys Bamci
Session II - Marketing
Impact of photography and effects of different colours in marketing - Msc Armir Lazaj
Youth and entrepreneurship – real entrepreneurship cases
CATI Foundation for Shkodra – Msc. Ciljeta Ndreka
Albanian Youth Steps in Europe – Msc. Albana Hasmeta
Day II - March 29, 2015
Session III
Work in groups
Presentation and evaluation of the first phase
Work finalist groups
Presentation of finalists and evaluation of the jury - Bushati Brilanda, Armir Lazaj, Ergys Bamci.
The ceremony ended with certificates distribution.
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