The Faculty of Educational Sciences and the Faculty of Social Sciences of Shkodra University "Luigj Gurakuqi", organized on 30-31 May 2014 the second international scientific conference "Research and Education - Challenges to the Future" ICRA 2014. This conference was an important event for the University of Shkodra because this activity was genuine scientific work of scholars and researchers of university academic staff from Albania, Balkans, Europe and America. Participants in this conference were from 26 countries.
Main topics of studies belonged to different fields, such as Albanalogy, Art, Architecture, Culture, Higher Education, ICT (information technology and communications), Media and Communications, Philology, Sports, Social Science and Research.
The opening ceremony of the conference was held in the conference room of the Rectorate.
The ceremony was opened by the moderator of the conference, Mr. Erard Çurçija, Head of the Development and International Relations Office of USH.
Later the Dean of the Educational Sciences, Gezim Dibra welcomed participants of the University of Shkodra "Luigj Gurakuqi” and praised the broad participation and qualitative submitted papers.
In h is speech, Prof. dr. Artan Haxhi, Rector of Shkodra University "Luigj Gurakuqi", said: "The aim of organizing this scientific conference is to best serve and promote the development of the process of education and scientific research, which constitutes the challenge of the education. The conference serves at the same time also to discuss together the problems of higher education, opportunities and the need to adapt it better to the requirements of today's society. University is obliged to adapt University policies with the regional development strategies in order to qualify generations capable to face challenges ahead".
This conference was welcomed by the following authorities: Prof.dr. Salvator Bushati (member of the Academy of Sciences in Albania), Prof. dr. Bálint Bachmann (dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology at the University of Pécs, Hungary), Prof. dr. Robert McCloud (professor of computer science at Sacre Heart University, Fairfield,USA), Prof. dr. Adriana Galvani ( proferssor at the Department of Economics of Bologna University, Italy). Violeta Vidacek from the University of Zagreb (Croatia) referred the topic: "Collaboration Between the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Organization and Informatics Varazdin and the University of Shkodra" Luigj Gurakuqi ".
"Approaches of Linguistic Anthropology in Albanology" was referred by Priku (dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences at USH).
The conference went on with several parallel sessions.
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