On the 13th December 2017, the Department of Literature held a promotional activity of several scientific publications which were made during 2016-2017 by the professors of this Department. This activity was organized within the 60th anniversary of the creation of the University.
In the promotional activity titled "Literary Studies 2016-2017, there were presented the following books:
“Shqiptarë në liri. Diaspora shqiptare në Amerikë” (Albanians at liberty. Albanian diaspora in America) by Prof. dr. Eleni Karamitri;
“Probleme, autorë dhe vepra nga letërsia shqipe bashkëkohore” (Problems, authors and works from Albanian contemporary literature) by Prof. as. dr. Arben Prendi
“Arti poetik” (Arts of Poetry) and “Fjalori i rimave” (Dictionary of Rhymes) by Prof. as. dr. Vinçens Marku
“Në kërkim të një drame“ndryshe”” Albanian authors in search of a “peculiar” drama type” by Prof. dr. Gëzim Puka.
In his greeting speech Prof. dr. Adem Bekteshi, the Rector of Shkodra University, praised the scientific work of the professors of the Department of Literature and their responsibility through observation and opponent work in this field.
The Head of this Department, Prof. as. dr. Vincent Markus, made a historical presentation of the Department's work, by highlighting the most prominent figures of the professorship over the years. He further praised the current publishing activity and the commitment of colleagues.
He concluded: "This is a remarkable day for our pedagogues, because they crown their literary research and activity during the academic year 2016-2017. This day is also special for another reason because this activity is happening in the framework of the 60th anniversary of our University, part of which is also the Department of Literature, as a fundamental unit of this important institution of higher education in Albania ".
The event ended with the show of a fragment from the comedy "Rhinoceros" by Jonesko, staged a few months ago by the University of Shkodra, in which also students of Albanian Language and Literature Depratment were part of this show.
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