On 14.11.2014 there was held a Lecture about issues related to European social models, European solidarity in psycho-social field as well as important elements of European civilization. This meeting took place in the Conference Hall of the University Library. This event was the result of the collaboration between the "Friederich Ebert" Foundation and "Luigi Gurakuqi", Shkodra University. In this activity there were Prof. dr. Gjergj Sinani; Prof. as.dr. Fatmir Vadahi ,Dr. Mehdi Kroni; Dr. Fatbardha Osmanaga and Dr. Brilanda Lumanaj who had their open lectures on these topics. This activity was to inform students with the development of European social models; characteristics of European society and its development; EU priorities in the field of social services; linking the concept of solidarity with the field of psycho-social services; philosophical elements of civilization and its features. The event was followed by a great interest of students and lectures.
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