The Shkodra Appeal Court, Shkodra District Court, Shkodra Administrative Court of First Instance and the Faculty of Law of Shkodra University organized the scientific event in the framework of the "Justice Day - May 10, 1913 - May 10, 2015 ". This activity took place at the Conference Hall of Shkodra University Rectorate.
The Chairman of Shkodra Appeal Court, Mr. Fuat Vjerdha said: "Mr. Tef Pogu from Shkodra city, an official representative of Vlora government, who dealt with issues of justice and the trial, issued a directive on behalf of the office that represented the government on May 10. 1913. It determined that issues related to justice should be resolved by the “Canon of juries”. The long and hard road of justice and judicial system of state began being based on this directive".
It has already become a tradition that May 10th is "Justice Day" in Albania. This date has been set by the National Judicial Conference of 2000.
In this scientific activity referred the Chairman of Shkodra District Court, Mr. Arben Zefi, the Lecturer of the Law Faculty of Shkodra University, Dr. Florjan Bjanku, the President of Shkodra Administrative Court, Mrs. Valbona Durraj, Tonin Çobani, a Law lecturer, and Ms. Greta Laloshi, chancellor of Shkodra Administrative Court.
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