The Scientific University Library in cooperation with the Department of Literature of the Faculty of Social Sciences organized a meeting dedicated to the literary work of the writer Skender Drini. This activity was organised in the framework of the "The Week dedicated to Books 2015". This literary event was held at "Walter Höflechner" conference room of the University Library on April 21, 2015. Many writers, scholars, professors and students attended this activity.
The activity was opened by Mrs. Alida Luka, director of the University Library, who thanked the participants for being present in this activity which was dedicated to the book. Mrs. Luka also thanked the present researchers and writers who were invited to represent their speeches in activity.
After this there was presented a photo documentary of the life and literary work of Mr. Skender Drini.
Mr. Arjeta Ferlushkaj introduced speakers and researchers.
A special evaluation of Drini´s work was brought through the speech made by Dr. Elinda Dibra, Head of the Department of Literature at the Shkodra University. Mr. Zeqo Moikom, a famous scholar thanked the organizers of the event and stressed that Mr. Drini was a prominent name in Albanian literature. "There can be no national literature without real names. Literature is represented by names. Skender Drini made a dignified literary and aesthetic level: "said Zeqo.
Agim Vinca, Begzad Baliu, Sadetin Limani also had their speeches and estimated the activity.
When the first volume with stories of S. Drin came out, Prof. dr. Alfred Capaliku was the first who wrote a critical review in the journal "Nëntori (November)". Later he made a series of critical surveys on the work of Mr. Drini.
Mr. Fadil Kraja, the eminent writer from Shkodra, referred his speech titled: “Gjenerali i prozës shqiptare (the General of Albanian prose)".
Mr. Hasan Lekaj, Mr. Skender Temali, Mr. Gjovalin Çuni, Mr.. Zija Vulaj, Mrs. Elsa Mataj and Mr. Sead Cena brought to the audience the speeches on the literary work of the writer.
Students Edër Boshnjaku, Erisad Lugjaj, Senad Tula, Blerim Bakçiu, Elsaid Lezaj, Bukurosh Dervishi, Besard Jacaj interpreted the last story titled "Testamenti (the testament)" written by Mr. Drini.
Mr. Skender Drini died some time ago. He was widely known as a novelist and storyteller. The writer was born in Voskopojë. He finished his high school in Shkodra, and attended the branch of Albanian language and literature at the University of Tirana. At first he worked in education; then as a freelance writer, in the diplomatic Corp and also as a television director. In recent years it was dedicated to journalistic activity.
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