On, 23.12.2014 the Faculty of Economics held a workshop titled: “The challenges of regional development”. In this meeting there were presented the best theses of the graduated students. This meeting took place in the conference room of Shkodra University. The main purpose of this workshop was to promote the study programs and in particularly the scientific and professional masters offered by the Faculty of Economics. This activity aimed to expand the cooperation between the Faculty of Economics and businesses operating in the region of Shkodra. For this reason, the members of the jury who selected the best diploma theses have been representatives of the most prominent businesses operating in Shkodra region. It was a honor for the Faculty that part of this workshop was Prof.as.dr.Mirjeta Beqiri, a former professor and director of the branch of Business Administration, Faculty of Economics of Shkodra. She currently works as a professor at Gonzaga University in Washington State, USA. It is worth mentioning that Prof.as.dr. Mirjeta Beqiri was constantly present with its contribution to Economic Faculty of Shkodra University. Prof.dr.Arjeta Troshani, the Dean of the Faculty of Economics, in her greeting conveyed her thanks to the organizers and among other things she said: “We have intensified activities and conferences in order to provide links to business and to focus its development”.
In the framework of this activity Dr. Brikena Dionizi , professor of the Department of Business Administration , presented the new center at the Faculty of Economics , the Business Assistance Center which will provide advice, guidance and vocational training. This center will provide the needed connections with businesses operating in the country. During the workshop there were presented seven best diploma theses of students graduated during the academic year 2013-2014. The professional jury selected for this event was:
1. Prof. Ass . Mirjeta Beqiri , professor at Gonzaga University in Washington State in the USA;
2. Mr. Gjergj Liqejza, director of "Albania Trikot company";
3. Mrs . Elda Capo , representative of Societe General Bank of Shkodra;
4. Mr. Lulzim Gruemira, Director of Credins Bank Albania;
5. Mr. Renato Lumçi, Hotel Colosseo.
The jury selected three best works and awarded them the below prices:
1. Interactive museums in Shkodra city, worked by Sead Baraku, tutored by Prof. dr. Arjeta Troshani;
2. In search of a critical point of profit tax, worked by Merita Fusha, tutored by Prof. dr. Sherif Bundo;
3. Marking the destinations, a necessary and very important process. The case of Shkodra region, worked by Anila Medja, tutored by Prof. as. dr. Brilanda Bushati.
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