
The Faculty of Natural Sciences of Shkodra University organised in collaboration with Balkan Environmental Association ( BENA) the 2nd International Conference "Research and Education in Natural Sciences. This conference was organised on 15-16.11.2013. The opening session was held at Auditorium 3. Prof. as. dr. Adem Bekteshi (Dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences) welcome the participants in this second international scientific conference. He evaluated the research work which would be presented during the conference. This conference was attended not only by experienced researchers but also by a large number of young researchers who are in the process of doctoral studies and wish to be successful in the scientific research". The Rector of Shkodra University (Prof.dr. Artan Haxhi) greeted the participants and said: the Second International Scientific Conference "Research and Education in Natural Sciences” presents the latest achievements of researchers in the natural sciences. Broad participation from Albania and the Balkan countries (Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Croatia, Macedonia, and Greece) make this conference a great meeting of researchers and teachers of natural sciences. This conference also brings new ideas and perspectives. I consider the conference as an opportunity given to researchers and specialists not only to communicate and debate with each other but also to strengthen ties and scientific cooperation. I take this opportunity to thank you for the participation, hoping and believing that your work and opinions will be applied in the future". Dr . Albano Zhapaj (Head of the Higher Education Curriculum and Research at the Ministry of Education and Sports) greeted the participants on behalf of the Minister, Mrs. Lindita Nikolli, and said that it was a great pleasure for him to be present in that conference. He further stated that the Ministry of Education and Sport in close cooperation with universities was making constant efforts towards European standards of education and research, aiming at improving the legislation on higher education in order to create conditions for the further development and expansion of university autonomy. The Rector of the University of Janina (Greece), Triantafyllos A.D.Albanis expressed his consideration for the conference which was promoting young researchers. Prof. dr. Fokion Vosniakos and Prof. dr. Petrit Bare were awarded the title "Honorary Professor ", awarded by the Senate of the University of Shkodra “Luigj Gurakuqi ". In the sessions of the conference there were discussed topics related to the research and teaching of mathematics, computer science, chemistry, biology, problems of air pollution, water and land management, a sustainable environment, health problems, etc.
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