The meeting among the representative of the Hungarian Embassy in Albania (Mrs. Judit Beres – Deak, First Secretary), Mr. Belik Marton (Deputy Head of Study in Hungary Unit Tempus Public Foundation) and Shkodra University Rector, Prof. Adem Bekteshi, took place at Shkodra University on 9th February 2017
During the conversation, Prof. dr. Adem Bekteshi expressed his satisfaction with the cooperation and the spirit of promoting studies on different levels in Hungarian universities.
Mr. Belik Marton thanked the Rector for the reception and the meeting and he expressed the readiness for cooperation of his Unit.
The Embassy representatives then held a meeting with the interested students of Shkodra University who wanted to study in Hungary. They provided the needed information on scholarships offered by them, why to study in Hungary and why Albanian students should choose Hungary.
The event aroused the interest of many students and pedagogues and there were many question and answers on this topic.
Detailed information regarding the scholarships can be found on the following link:
Stipendium Hungaricum - Tempus Közalapítvány
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