In the framework of the "Francophone Spring 2015" there was presented the work of the famous French writer Patrick Modiano on 23.03.2015.

The Branch of French studies at Shkodra University "Luigj Gurakuqi" in collaboration with the French alliance organized the event titled "Literary Hall". This activity was organised at "Marin Barleti" city Library and there was presented the work of the writer Mr. Patrick Modiano. This writer was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2014.
Students in collaboration with the teachers prepared a presentation with photos, as well as fragments of the texts written by this author. In this context, Dr. Drita Brahimi (lecturer of French language at Unishk) and some students referred about topics and the style of the famous French writer Patrick Modiano.

Qualification of Academic University staff

Professors 10%
Associate Professors 22%
Dr. and/or with Docents 39%
Assistant lecturer 29%


11988 bachelor students
2153 part-time students
1885 MSc students
12 PhD students