Promotional activity for the book titled “A life for the black gold” by Prof. Ramadan Perhati was organized on 16.12.2014.

Promotional activity for the book titled “A life for the black gold” by Prof. Ramadan Perhati was organized on 16.12.2014. This activity took place at the University Scientific Library of Shkodra University on 16.12. 2014. In the opening speech Prof.dr. Mahir Hoti, Head of the Professors´ Council of Shkodra University, made a short presentation of the author who estimated the book as a serious scientific work. Prof. Bashkim Çela had his speech titled: “Itinerary of a life in the service of the “black gold” who called the writer the "surgeon" of the underworld.
Prof. dr. Rifat Talani assessed his monograph as a highly original work, which addresses the long journey and history of the Albanian oil. Ma. Zamira Kasemi made another interesting discussion about the work. Prof. Ramadan Perhati in his greeting stressed that he was excited about the considerations that were given to his book. He thanked the organizers and the attendees for participating in this event. This promotional event ended with a part from the film “Blast”.

Qualification of Academic University staff

Professors 10%
Associate Professors 22%
Dr. and/or with Docents 39%
Assistant lecturer 29%


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