"Italian language and music, an indivisible trip".

The Sector of Italian Studies by the Department of Roman studies at the Faculty of Foreign Languages organized the event titled: "Italian language and music, an indivisible trip". The event was held at the Scientific Library of Shkodra University "Luigj Gurakuqi "on 21st October 2015.
The conference was conceived in the form of a round table where professors exchanged their ideas and results of research on language and music.
The meeting was greeted by Mrs. Adriana Frisenna, Director of the Italian Institute of Culture, Mr. Vito Stigliani, Honorary Consul and the Dean of the Faculty of Foreign Languages, Prof.as. dr. Rajmonda Këçira.
The conference continued with the following papers:
Dr. Lindita Kazazi: “Cantando la poesia e recitando la canzone”
Prof. as. dr. Alma Hafizi: “La parola e la musica nell’opera di Verdi”
Doc. Roland Guli: “La lingua italiana e la globalizzazione della musica”
Prof. as. dr. Eliana Laçej: “La canzone napoletana, anima e musica”
Dott. Eugjen Gargjiola: “Bossanova all’italiana”
Dr. Aterda Lika: “La canzone come elemento motivante per l’insegnamento della lingua italiana”
In the framework of the week dedicated to the Italian culture, the show titled: "Poetry, prose and Italian music." will be organised on 23 October 2015 at the Artistic Lyceum.

Qualification of Academic University staff

Professors 10%
Associate Professors 22%
Dr. and/or with Docents 39%
Assistant lecturer 29%


11988 bachelor students
2153 part-time students
1885 MSc students
12 PhD students