Graduation of the Arts Academy students at Shkodra University “Luigj Gurakuqi”.

The Arts Academy at Shkodra University organized the ceremony of the students’ graduation on Tuesday, November 3. 2015. The ceremony was held at the conference hall of the Scientific University Library.
This event was attended by professors, students and parents.
This ceremony was welcome by Prof. dr. Ikbale Kalaja, Mrs. Voltana Ademi, Mayor of Shkodra city, Prof. dr. Hafiz Mimoza, and Prof. dr. Zef Çoba.
A photo montage on the students ‘life of the Arts Academy was shown for participants In this activity, as well as there were exhibited paintings and some graphics work of the best students who were graduated this year.
On behalf of the students, Alkida Boshnjaku had her greeting speech.
Diplomas were awarded to the students at the end of this event.

Qualification of Academic University staff

Professors 10%
Associate Professors 22%
Dr. and/or with Docents 39%
Assistant lecturer 29%


11988 bachelor students
2153 part-time students
1885 MSc students
12 PhD students